Welcome, You’ve Just Been Caught in a Brand New Web
After a crescendo of nagging from most voices here, I conceded to a new, improved website. My resistant logic was that the “old” one was still wooing many hundreds of hearts and minds monthly. Their logic was that The Bosworth Group is all about anticipating, innovating, using new media for new mindsets—and that our website should reflect those inclinations. We are, they said, in the change business.
Compelling logic. When they’re right, they’re right.
So we all hope you‘ll find this new site more functional, more visual, more entertaining and faster to access the info most important to you. Some things haven’t changed, though, like What We Stand For, How We Work or our appreciation of clients present and past.
A website is an introduction, a primer. We hope ours will prompt questions on how we can best help with marketing your company. That way, we can answer them in person.
– Kent Bosworth